Dayfran Camacho: Burn The Closets


Ann Amy Grant (aka Dayfran Camacho)
Photo by Joe Matteson

S1, Ep4

Dayfran Camacho (aka Ann Amy Grant, drag queen) shares his stories and ambitions with Aaron McCall as they discuss becoming a drag queen, living authentically, and pushing forward in spite of intolerance and bigotry. 

Keep up:
Ann Amy Grant IG: @annamygrant
Dayfran Camacho IG: @dayfran94

Aaron McCall Host / Producer / Editor / Creative Director
Joe Matteson Co-host / Photographer
Amber Gray Co-host / Manager

Mike Mains & The Branches Music
Cotton Bureau Merch

Aaron McCall

Graphic Designer / Artist
Grand Rapids, Michigan USA

Jill Zelenski: Drip Queen


Mike Mains: Breathing Underwater