Meet Scott Millington


Scott Millington
Self Portrait

We want you to meet Scott Millington. Scott is a Detroit-based photographer with a journalistic approach and an emphasis on authenticity. His images are as raw and as real as he is. We caught up Scott and here’s some of that conversation…

Give us your origin story, Scott. What brought you to photography?

Photography has always interested me. It stemmed from reading sports magazines as a kid and watching movies. In 2018, I finally bought my first camera after attending a skateboarding event in Detroit. It took me a few years to find my voice in photography. I would consider myself a professional photographer in 2020.

Can you tell us about Here Is Their Story and Cameras & Coffee?

Cameras and Coffee is a weekly series where I meet and interview a new photographer at a new coffee shop, and then we both explore the surrounding neighborhood, documenting our journey together.

Here Is Their Story is a project where I interview and take photos of everyday people doing what they love most in this world.


You’ve been exhibiting and selling prints of your photographs, which is stellar. But would you still take photographs if nobody else ever saw it?

Yes, I would still take photos if no one saw them. It’s fun to look back at photos I have taken over the years with my cell phone before I was a photographer. It helps me remember places I have been and memories I created with friends and family.

How do you balance your creative ambitions with that pesky “day job” getting in the way?

Most of my photography takes place at night or on the weekend so it’s the perfect balance. There are some projects I would like to work on but work gets in the way.

How do you stay inspired and motivated?

Meeting new people keeps me inspired and motivated. There are so many creatives in the [Detroit] area to learn from.

Scott, thank you for sharing your time and insights. Before you go, what advice would you give to someone looking to pick up a camera?

Shoot as much as you can. Also, most of your photos will not be great. Do not dwell on those photos, instead focus on the great photos you took.


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